Unknown Magazine Clipping #1

Magazine fragment found in the envelope in the Jarndyke Ark
Stag ”Accord” fragment
The fragment seen here offers clues about interzonal cooperation and assisted researchers in constructing maps of the Zone system. Mentioned in the article is the “Kanorado Checkpoint;” Kanorado is a city in present-day west Kansas. This fact was instrumental in arkologists fixing the Heartland Zone-North Central Zone border as running north-south along the present Colorado-Kansas border.
Given the other magazine items in the envelope, this news item appears to be why it this clipping was included. Tawbers is mentioned more extensively in artifacts uncovered in the Washington Ark.
Beyond this clipping, nothing is known about the “Gaddathump” scene nor the Upper East Side clubs of New York City.
The Stardon corporation is mentioned in the map found in Jarndyke’s envelope. Though little is known about Faximia, its logo appears on communications hardware found in the Gaylord and Los Alamos Arks.

Unknown magazine #1
7.13” x 6” (18.1 cm x 15.2 cm)

The clipping seen here is one of two with no information regarding its source.

Magazine fragment found in the envelope in the Jarndyke Ark
The clipping seen here describes the further fracturing that some Zones endured in the early NE20s. The white supremacist Northern Unity party mounted a grab for the northern Pacific Zone through legal means. As documents that surfaced in the North and South Napa Arks have shown, however, Northern Unity failed to secure a controlling stake in northern PZ politics and devolved into a violent separatist militia soon thereafter.
The map seen here has been used by arkologists to confirm the northernmost border of the Zones, as well as the section system in the Pacific Zone.

Unknown magazine #1 (verso)
7.13” x 6” (18.1 cm x 15.2 cm)